New posts in continued-fractions

Numbers whose decimal digits are the coefficients of its continued fraction form

Arithmetic of continued fractions, does it exist?

The ratio of jacobi theta functions

Why does Khinchin's constant "work"?

Closed form for this continued fraction [closed]

Will every rational number eventually be in this set?

How to detect when continued fractions period terminates

Continued fraction involving Fibonacci sequence

conjectured general continued fraction for the quotient of gamma functions

Direct proof that for a prime $p$ if $p\equiv 1 \bmod 4$ then $l(\sqrt{p})$ is odd.

Encode each $n_1,n_2,n_3,...∈N^N$ by an infinite sequence of 0s and 1s with infinitely many 0s, and give a proof that $N^N$ is equinumerous with $R$.

Nested solutions of a quadratic equation.

Continued fraction for $\frac{1}{e-2}$

a new continued fraction for $\sqrt{2}$

Evaluation of a continued fraction

What does this converge to and why?

Continued fraction analog to zeta function - how to properly define it and find its properties?

Riemann's zeta as a continued fraction over prime numbers.

A complex number $a+bi$ as a continued fraction.

Intuition behind Khinchin's constant