New posts in continued-fractions

Ramanujan's continued fraction for ratio of gamma values

Coefficients of binomial continued fractions

a conjectured continued-fraction for $\displaystyle\cot\left(\frac{z\pi}{4z+2n}\right)$ that leads to a new limit for $\pi$

Minimum of $|az_x-bz_y|$

Minimal $ab$ for Rational Number $a/b$ in an Interval

Closed-form of infinite continued fraction involving factorials

Are these continued fractions of integrals known?

Continued fraction for Apéry's constant conjectured by The Ramanujan Machine

the ratio of jacobi theta functions and a new conjectured q-continued fraction

The most complex formula for the golden ratio $\varphi$ that I have ever seen. How was it achieved?

What's the formula for this series for $\pi$?

A nicer proof of Lagrange's 'best approximations' law?

Deriving a trivial continued fraction for the exponential

Are there simple algebraic operations for continued fractions?

conjectured new generating function of fibonacci numbers

Motivation behind this eccentric Ramanujan Identity

Limit of a sequence of integrals involving continued fractions

Divergent continued fractions?

Continued fraction for $\tan(nx)$

How to do a very long division: continued fraction for tan