New posts in conjunction-reduction

Repeating the definite article [duplicate]

Parallel sentence construction: "I have, and always will trust you"

What’s the long form corresponding to the short form “English Language & Usage”?

Repeating determiners: “the X and (the) Y”

When do you leave out the preposition in a relative clause?

Analysis (tree diagram) of "She hugged and kissed her mother"

Repeating (or not) "to" in a sentence involving infinitives set in parallel

TO in cleft sentences [duplicate]

Is there a name for this ambiguity problem or for the construction that solves it?

Ellipsis that results in one word serving as both subject and object

Is "has or will read" grammatical?

Is it "as wonderful as them" or "as wonderful as they"? [duplicate]

Is it necessary to use "the" multiple times?

I <verb> and am <rest of sentence>