New posts in computer-science

Is there an algorithm for deciding big/little-O queries?

Is finding the equivalence of two functions undecidable?

Is there ever a good reason to use Insertion Sort?

Is there an infinite set of finite strings such that no element is a subsequence of another?

lambda calculus and category theory

What exactly is the halting problem?

What does a pair of vertical pipes mean within a function, as related to computational complexity?

How to formulate the P v.s. NP problem as a formal statement inside the language of set theory?

Computational complexity of computing the determinant

Finite automaton that recognizes the empty language $\emptyset$

Convertibility of Two Lambda Expressions Equivalent to Existence of a Common Reduct

Lower bound for finding second largest element

The practical implication of P vs NP problem

Are computer integers a finite group (under addition with overflow)?

Why binary and not ternary computing? [closed]

Function pointers, Closures, and Lambda

Calculate minimal operations to make two tree structures identical

How to show that if there's a mapping reduction from L to its complement, it doesn't imply that L∈R?

What is the algorithm hiding beneath the complexity in this paper?

Proof of big-O notation