New posts in collective-nouns

Is this mixture of plural and singular legitimate?

Accurate British English term for an oblong deck from shore out into a lake where you tie your rowing boat

What is the "group name" for students who entered / left university in the same year?

Is ‘USAers’ just an ordinary English word today?

Are "streak" and "ambush" really the collective nouns for tigers?

What is the collective noun for a group of magpies? [closed]

Question on usage of "clientele"

What is the plural of "copy" when applied to the output of copywriters?

Is “troop” unique among English words in meaning both a group and an individual member of that kind of group?

Conjugating verbs for nouns referring to groups of people [duplicate]

Group of elevators in a building

What is the collective term for policy, standard and guideline?

Is there a noun for the general, solely negative, discrimination of any kind of group?

Staff vs. staffs [duplicate]

Animateness-neutral "its"

Pronouns for collective nouns (British and American)

What is a group of cars on the road called?

If collective nouns use the plural verb form, are they plural in other contexts too? [closed]

What do you call someone with the same occupation as you, but works for a different company?

Phrase to refer to community of people who come together to exchange knowledge [closed]