Phrase to refer to community of people who come together to exchange knowledge [closed]

I need a two word phrase to refer to a community of people (academia + non-academia) who come together to share/exchange their knowledge/ideas openly on topics of their interests/ specializations.

I would appreciate the use of small and easier/common words for the phrase. Single words are also acceptable. Feel free to throw out your creative ideas and newly invented phrases.

Some possibilities include skills circle, boffins' venue, experts' salon, idea tribe.

You could make a list of a dozen "contents", that is, words suggestive of who will participate or what the subject matter will be (e.g.: boffin, brain, expert, idea, ivory, knowledge, learner, notion, savant, scholar, skill, student, think, thought, tyro) and a similar list of collectives (e.g.: academy, bunch, circle, class, collective, colloquium, conference, forum, group, meeting, salon, seminar, society, tank, team, tribe, trust, venue) and look at all combinations of same.

I'd generally call that a "conference" or "convention", often abbreviated to "con" for non-professional gatherings such as Anime or Comic cons.