New posts in collective-nouns

Is there a word that means pants and/or shorts, or dresses and/or skirts?

If you have a collection of something, is the something writen in plural? [closed]

About collective noun

“is” vs. “are” in a question involving a collective noun [duplicate]

In the following sentence, shouldn't "family" take its plural form?

What is the collective noun for a group of giraffes?

Strange collective nouns: are they common?

Single word for process of removing duplicates? [duplicate]

Is a music band a singular or a collective entity, grammatically speaking? [duplicate]

When did "crew" become a sport? When did "crew team" come into use?

Can I say "stuffs" as a plural noun?

Is "There was a group of people who were enjoying it" grammatically correct?

England is/are playing? [duplicate]

Collective noun for words that describe something they themself contain or are

If "variety" is a singular collective noun, can I refer to it with "it"?

Does "attention" have a plural form?

"Led Zeppelin was" vs. "Led Zeppelin were" [duplicate]

What is the collective noun for "clouds"?

Can a collective noun denoting a collection of inanimate objects be treated as plural in British English?

Are any of these collective nouns hoaxes? [duplicate]