What do you call someone with the same occupation as you, but works for a different company?

What do you call someone who works in the same field or occupation as you do, but in a different company or organization?

Solution 1:

Using fellow in conjunction with the field or occupation is common, as in Walker and his fellow governors.

The first single word that springs to mind is peers, indicating people of equal standing, i.e. similar responsibilities and status. To indicate direct analogues/equivalents you could use counterparts, for example if you are benefits officer for Company X, the benefits officer at Company Y would be your counterpart. Your complement on the other hand is one in the opposite role; if you the head of sales at A Ltd., the head of purchasing is your complement at B Ltd. Your cohorts are those close to you in tenure or experience, especially in fields with long training programs such as medicine or architecture. If you are a third-year resident, all the other third-year residents in the country are your cohorts (and collectively, your cohort).

To emphasize a shared identity, you could use a variety of words suggesting membership in a club or family: members of the journalistic fraternity, your compatriots in the social sciences, our confreres at the German Embassy.

Solution 2:


a fellow member of a fraternity, profession, etc.;

Solution 3:

counterpart - a person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another