New posts in category-theory

Do adjoint functors really define monads?

Volume 3 of Johnstone's "Sketches of an Elephant"

Category Theory and Quantum Mechanics

Category with zero morphisms

Doubt about proof of factorization $f=pi$, where $i$ is acyclic cofibration and $p$ is fibration

Fiber product of sheaves

Can we make any functor injective on objects?

What is the dual of implication?

The ring of idempotents

What are the epimorphisms and monomorphisms in the category of affine varieties?

definition of a free object in a category

Why is tensoring a functor? On objects, it is only defined up to isomorphism... also fiber products...

If $0$ is the zero-object $ \Longrightarrow F(0) $ is the zero object when $F$ additive

When is a bijective homomorphism an isomorphism?

A question about Hom functor in category theory

Does this theorem/collection of theorems have a name? Or is it just seen as obvious?

Is there a "natural" / "categorical" definition of the "parity" of a permutation?

What does "dual statement" mean exactly in category theory?

Applications of Category Theory Outside of Mathematics (the discipline)

Proof verification: Yoneda preserves limits