New posts in category-theory

What is the formal definition of a dual category?

Where is the symmetric group hidden in the Yoneda lemma?

Can we think of an adjunction as a homotopy equivalence of categories?

Equivalence of Categories and of Their Functor Categories

Direct limit of topological spaces

Will learning category theory lead to a better and clearer understanding of mathematics?

Types, Sets and Categories

Definition of Category

Why is $\text{Aut}(F)$ of the forgetful functor $F$ on $G$-sets isomorphic to $G$?

What is the most general category in which exist short exact sequences?

Adjunction space is a pushout

Why is it difficult to define n-category?

Epic morphisms in the category of vector spaces. Is AC needed?

Adjunctions are Kan Extensions.

Question about the definition of a category

Canonical example of a cosheaf

When are quotients of homeomorphic spaces homeomorphic?

How does one show that two functors are *not* isomorphic?

Different definitions of projective objects

Why determinant is a natural transformation?