New posts in category-theory

In the Set category, why is every singleton a terminal object?

Equivalent categories are elementarily equivalent: Formalization?

Do equivalence relations form a monadic category? [closed]

Category of Abelian group pairs is not Abelian

Is $\mathbf{Grp}$ a concrete category?

Is there a general way to tell whether two topological spaces are homeomorphic?

Slicker construction of the free product of groups

Is duality an exact functor on Banach spaces or Hilbert spaces?

Category theory, a branch of abstract algebra?

Abstract nonsense proof

Example of a functor which preserves all small limits but has no left adjoint

"Natural" categories where monomorphisms differ from injective morphisms

Explicit unit/counit of inverse image/direct image adjunction.

Category theory from the first order logic point of view

Multi-pullbacks and the relative chinese remainder theorem

Questions about the definition of a Category

What really is a colimit of sets?

What is the difference betwen equivalence and isomorphism of functors in categories.

Examples of co-implication (a.k.a co-exponential)

definition of a groupoid