New posts in australian-english

Why are Australian redheads often called 'bluey'?

Is "peckish" less common in American English than other varieties?

What's the origin of "dinkum"?

Why are we supposed to say the “a” as an “e” in “any” and “many”?

Origin of "chuck a wobbly"?

Do English speaking subcultures attach different meanings to the phrase "I'm sorry"? [duplicate]

Dialect using "woman" instead of "women"?

How common is pronouncing the past tense of beat as /bet/?

Char a baby sheep?

Date as a synonym for anus

Do native speakers of major English varieties actually say "a software" or "softwares"?

Why do Aussies use "cactus" to mean "dead," "useless," or "broken"?

Meaning and origin of British/Australian slang word 'tut'

Origin of "cracked the sh**s"

Was Zink ever valid spelling for Zinc?

Is it awkward to use the word "aubergine" instead of "eggplant"?

"I hate when..." vs "I hate it when..."

How did the Australian accent come about?

Origin of "It's a fair cop"

Does the English language have an official Academy? [duplicate]