New posts in australian-english

Are there any words pronounced with an unstressed short monophthong at the end of word that are not /ə/?

Origin of "good'o"

What connection (if any) is there in Australian slang between 'dinkum' and 'dink' (meaning a ride on bicycle handlebars)?

Strange pronunciation of "door"

What is the origin of the word "copped"?

Is "crib bag" the Australian equivalent of "carryall" in AmE?

Origin & history of name "she oak" or "sheoak" (a Casuarina tree)

Is Waltzing Matilda comprehensible outside of Australia? In Australia?

Origin of “not for quids” phrase

Why is the Australian Labor Party spelt without a 'u'? [closed]

In an Australian context, should "Aborigine" be capitalised?

Is "early mark" only used in Australia and New Zealand?

Australian regional shibboleths

Meaning of "work ethics" in Australian English

Why do 'fine words butter no parsnips'?

What does "Eleventy-seven" mean?

How to express someone's height in metric

Can the word "spunk" [AUS] be used to describe women as well as men?

What could be the equivalent term in British or Australian English to the American English word “hillbilly”?

Is Australian English closer to US English or British English?