New posts in assembly

What does "DS:[40207A]" mean in assembly?

What does jmp ds:dword mean [duplicate]

Understanding Cortex-M assembly LDR with pc offset

Fastest inline-assembly spinlock

Fast divisibility tests (by 2,3,4,5,.., 16)?

What does MOV EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[ESI] mean and what does it do?

Why is gcc allowed to speculatively load from a struct?

Where can I find system call source code?

What does ORG Assembly Instruction do?

"enter" vs "push ebp; mov ebp, esp; sub esp, imm" and "leave" vs "mov esp, ebp; pop ebp"

Linux Shellcode "Hello, World!"

Dividing in assembly ax and bx [duplicate]

What do C and Assembler actually compile to? [closed]

What does the "rep stos" x86 assembly instruction sequence do?

Very fast memcpy for image processing?

Fastest way to calculate a 128-bit integer modulo a 64-bit integer

What are the ESP and the EBP registers?

How to interpret objdump disassembly output columns?

Why is my assembly output in letter position? (1+1=b)

Intel 64, rsi and rdi registers