Fastest way to calculate a 128-bit integer modulo a 64-bit integer

You can use the division version of Russian Peasant Multiplication.

To find the remainder, execute (in pseudo-code):

X = B;

while (X <= A/2)
    X <<= 1;

while (A >= B)
    if (A >= X)
        A -= X;
    X >>= 1;

The modulus is left in A.

You'll need to implement the shifts, comparisons and subtractions to operate on values made up of a pair of 64 bit numbers, but that's fairly trivial (likely you should implement the left-shift-by-1 as X + X).

This will loop at most 255 times (with a 128 bit A). Of course you need to do a pre-check for a zero divisor.

Perhaps you're looking for a finished program, but the basic algorithms for multi-precision arithmetic can be found in Knuth's Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2. You can find the division algorithm described online here. The algorithms deal with arbitrary multi-precision arithmetic, and so are more general than you need, but you should be able to simplify them for 128 bit arithmetic done on 64- or 32-bit digits. Be prepared for a reasonable amount of work (a) understanding the algorithm, and (b) converting it to C or assembler.

You might also want to check out Hacker's Delight, which is full of very clever assembler and other low-level hackery, including some multi-precision arithmetic.

If your B is small enough for the uint64_t + operation to not wrap:

Given A = AH*2^64 + AL:

A % B == (((AH % B) * (2^64 % B)) + (AL % B)) % B
      == (((AH % B) * ((2^64 - B) % B)) + (AL % B)) % B

If your compiler supports 64-bit integers, then this is probably the easiest way to go. MSVC's implementation of a 64-bit modulo on 32-bit x86 is some hairy loop filled assembly (VC\crt\src\intel\llrem.asm for the brave), so I'd personally go with that.