Best way to write an image to a Django HttpResponse()

I need to serve images securely to validated users only (i.e. they can't be served as static files). I currently have the following Python view in my Django project, but it seems inefficient. Any ideas for a better way?

def secureImage(request,imagePath):
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype="image/png")
    img =,'png')
    return response

(Image is imported from PIL.)

Solution 1:

Well, re-encoding is needed sometimes (i.e. applying an watermark over an image while keeping the original untouched), but for the most simple of cases you can use:

    with open(valid_image, "rb") as f:
        return HttpResponse(, content_type="image/jpeg")
except IOError:
    red ='RGBA', (1, 1), (255,0,0,0))
    response = HttpResponse(content_type="image/jpeg"), "JPEG")
    return response

Solution 2:

Make use of FileResponse
A cleaner way, here we dont have to worry about the Content-Length and Content-Type headers they are automatically set when they can be guessed from contents of open().

from django.http import FileResponse

def send_file(response):

    img = open('media/hello.jpg', 'rb')

    response = FileResponse(img)

    return response