Rejecting an app that is Pending Developer Release

Solution 1:

It took me a little while to find the answer to this. It can be done, but the answer isn't very intuitive.

In iTunes Connect, select your new application & load the details for it. Click the "Binary Details" link. Once this screen is open, there will be a "Reject this Binary" button on this screen.

I found this within the iTunes Developer guide(Link PDF has only 1 page and no other information) under the Rejecting Your Binary section. Apple really could have made the button more obvious.

Note : Link PDF has only 1 page and no other information

Solution 2:

Attaching screenshots from the App Store Connect (previously known as iTunes Connect) interface:

Select the version, then click on "cancel this release"

You can only edit some information while your version is pending developer release. To edit all information, cancel this release.


You will be prompted with a confirmation dialog:

Are you sure you want to cancel the release of version 2.6?

If you cancel this release, you must choose a new binary and resubmit this app version. Your version will be reviewed again by App Review.

Cancel Release dialog