New posts in release

Host name may not be empty

How Do I Create A Certificate For My Android Market APK?

Difference between debug and release apks

Does Java have 'Debug' and 'Release' build mode like C#?

Android version release warning message: This App Bundle contains Java/Kotlin code, which might be obfuscated

What exactly is a Release in GitHub?

How to change ubiquity release name

Remove PDB references from released file

Phonegap iOS 5.1 and localStorage

Fabric release Xcode 6.3 codesign xcode-select

What Ubuntu alternatives will still be supported after 12.04

Objective-C Difference between setting nil and releasing

Rejecting an app that is Pending Developer Release

How to Create the Upload File for Application Loader? release build vs debug build

define ant property from environment with default value

Best way to detect a release build from a debug build? .net

how to release a project which depends on a 3rd party SNAPSHOT project in maven

Disable LogCat Output COMPLETELY in release Android app?

Cannot remove "Internal test track" build from Google Play Console