New posts in ant

Ant unable to find javac, JAVA_HOME won't set on Ubuntu

Ant if else condition?

How do I pass an argument to an Ant task?

Is there a decent HTML Junit report plugin for Maven?

Linux removing folders older than 1 year and more than 3 files

Is it possible to use a Dynamic xPath expression in a xslt style sheet?

Xml namespace declaration: auto-substitute package name

Ant needs tools.jar and unable to find it

This compilation unit is not on the build path of a Java project

Suddenly can't run TestNG tests from ant ([testng] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException)

How do I exclude a specific method/constructor from the results of the javadoc Ant task?

Best way to integrate Git with Ant?

CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too long

How do I set -Dfile.encoding within ant's build.xml?

Intellij Idea 13 UI Designer and automatic Gradle building

Multiple Android Application Package .apk files from single source code

"Unable to locate tools.jar" when running ant [duplicate]

How to manage a common ant build script across multiple project build jobs on jenkins?

how to detect a build error from ant/maven via a bash script?

How to change JAVA.HOME for Eclipse/ANT