New posts in scripting

How to stop Subversion from prompting about: Server certificate verification failed: issuer is not trusted

Why start script with /usr/bin/env python

How would I create a PDF print server?

Bash script with output

Configuring Pfsense via ssh

Recursively delete empty folders with verbose output

PowerShell to pull all empty DLs with no members

Batch script to test if a folder exists fails when checking a UNC path

How can I get the word under the cursor and the text of the current line in vim script?

How can I tail a remote file?

"Threading" in Shell Scripts

What is the best way to keep track of changes people are making to your servers?

Including a bat file in a bat file

Automatically run a script on an uploaded FTP file

How can I search IIS logs of several servers at the same time?

How to uninstall a windows service and delete its files without rebooting

how to get the full path of an open file

Powershell script scheduled task will not end

git: a quick command to go to root of the working tree

BASH script: Downloading consecutive numbered files with wget