New posts in unix-shell

tcsh : path of sourced file

"Threading" in Shell Scripts

How to reliably & portably serialize binary information into POSIX shell

Shell scripting and regex: Which one is better to match numbers, [[:digit:]] or [0-9]?

How to encode the rdesktop password parameter in a shell script?

How to identify ancient KornShell version?

How do I prevent bash $ substitution?

Kill all currently running cron jobs

How does cd command work? (unix) [closed]

Skeleton files /etc/skel/ automatic syncing of changes to all users

When do file extensions override shebang lines on Linux?

Editing the PATH in PASE

sudo and sudo -i access features

Using a shell script to check if rsync made any changes

cp -p will preserve times for some files but not all?

portable unix way to join strings with separator

'Argument list too long' error while copying a large number of files

How do i find out which Fedora version I'm running from the cli (not uname -a)?

Copy file permissions, but not files in Unix

In *nix, how to determine which filesystem a particular file is on?