New posts in files

Real size of folder?

How to rename a certain prefix in multiple files?

Windows Server 2008 + IIS7: .ogg files can not be played

I found a file path, but I can not open it [duplicate]

Trigger a command when two files have arrived in different directories in Centos 7

How to see the amount of free disk space in files browser with 13.04 (Raring Ringtail)

'rm' (delete) thousands of files selectively

How do I change all plain text files to .txt files in a directory? Is there such a command?

How do I remove a file with 2 hypens in the name, like --karmic.list [duplicate]

How to have a forward slash in a file name?

How do I search a particular directory with tracker-search-tool

".ts " files not recognised

Change default application for a File type

How can I duplicate a file x times in a different directory with terminal?

Can't extract a large zip file

Copying folder to NAS drive using terminal

How to delete random n files from directory?

Delete files created 5 mins or earlier in a folder

Is "chmod -R o+x /home" dangerous? [duplicate]

Move all files to their own folder