New posts in du

Real size of folder?

Why directories size are different in ls -l output on XFS file system?

The file and dir sizes of du -hs * is not consistent with du -hs

Disk usage in LVM: Which directories contains most data?

"du -h" with more decimal places

How to Exclude a Specific Directory in NCDU Command

Ubuntu "No space left on device" for /home, df shows 100% full, ds shows much, much less [duplicate]

du -sh * show significant more used space that ls -lah

google cloiud storage: find size of sub-folders with gsutil du?

(rsync on) mounted volume: hard links seem to be preserved, but space calculated as full files

Next-gen filesystems: disk space usage log? [closed]

Why do du -s * and du -s . show vastly different sizes?

How to do "du" on all files under a directory in linux?

DU reports different folder size in unix and cygwin (windows)

Show human-readable file sizes in OSX terminal

Exclude all permission denied messages from "du"

Keep running out of space, where have my harddrive space gone?

logrotate status files extremely large

How can I find out the capacity of the nfs mounted directory on the disk?

inconsistency between du -sh and df -h