New posts in du

why is the output of `du` often so different from `du -b`

Disk space analyzer that can read du output

What is right way to show folder usage in megabytes [closed]

Understanding the different directory sizes

How to get a full size of directory without listing the files/dir within?

Get Size of All Folders in Directory

Is there a way to force du to report a directory size (recursively) including only sizes of files?

du counting hardlinks towards filesize?

Error when calling 3rd party executable from Powershell when using an IDE

Is it possible to format ps RSS (memory) output to be more human friendly?

du command takes WAY too long to run

Disk full on linux server, blocks used is much less then blocks avalable

Find Largest Directories/Files when Drive is Full [duplicate]

How to know the directory size in CENTOS [duplicate]

Why is a directory copied with the cp command smaller than the original?

Only get the size from "du" command, not the folder names

How to get the actual directory size (out of du)?

Inconsistent output of `du` command

du which counts number of files/directories rather than size

Total disk usage for a particular user