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rsync throwing mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/data/dir_1/dir_2/dir_3/’: No such file or directory

rsync multiple remote directories to local machine preserving directory paths

Rsync fails for files that start with underscore when destination is zfs

Easiest way to sync two folders

Forcing rsync to convert file names to lower case

directory name with space and bash

executing a command again once it stops (rsync, FreeBSD)

rsync copies unmodified files between different file systems

How to estimate how long an rsync of 427GB directory comprises of 470k subdirectories and 4476k files would take?

kernel reported iSCSI connection 1:0 error (1022-Invalid or unknown error code) state (3) Fed 25/VessRaid/rsnapshot

rsync seems to overwrite already existing file on ExFat

How come rsync copies files faster than Krusader?

Cygwin Windows < Linux rsync - connection unexpectedly closed

rsync output

How to selectively rsync folders while retaining tree structure?

Timeshift setup: how to backup system with programs and all theirs configs, but without Video, Music etc?

Prevent rsync from deleting destination files that match a given pattern

What is the best way to perform daily/weekly/monthly backups?

How To Keep 2 Folders In Sync Real-Time?

How to keep rsync over SSH connection permanent - no broken pipe