New posts in data-synchronization

Cannot sync Google Drive between MacBook and iPhone app

Song cannot be played on this iPhone

How do sync programs get around the iOS sandbox?

How to remove apps from iTunes? 12.2.x

Syncing Contacts and iCal between multiple Macs and iOS?

Suddenly I'm requested to restore my iPhone to factory settings

Office 365: Outlook — limit sync to 30 days

iCloud Keychain sync: How to determine current sync status or force a sync (without removing and adding)?

How To Keep 2 Folders In Sync Real-Time?

Can't get TV show name to display

iPhone/iPad GMail Stopped Sync'ing Properly

Clash of Clans Bases and Game Center Accounts

How can I sync and store data for offline access on an iPad?

How to remove an iTunes Wi-Fi Sync host

How can I get DoubleTwist to differentiate between music and podcasts?

How can I sync Outlook with my iPad?

How to sync two iPhones to the same Mac and to Nike+?

Is there any iPhone app that will sync .txt files locally or be able to decrypt files stored in dropbox

Prefer iPhone when synchronizing playlists between iTunes and iPhone

Sync photo without syncing apps