".ts " files not recognised

I have some .ts files (programs recorded from my Sharp TV on USB stick) that I want to store/play on my PC.

However, although they are listed on the stick when its plugged in the PC nothing will recognize the files. I have tried VLC (the "slider" moves but there's no sound or video) and changed the extension to MPEG, MP2, etc. but no joy.

I have tried converting the files with file converters and demuxers but none of these recognize the files. Are the files corrupted (they play on the TV) or do Sharp have a unique file structure?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

For what I've heard, those files are not meant to be played on other system, than the TV.

It looks like there's an encription on them, that makes converting it to other formats rather difficult.

The recordings are not intended to be portable. They are just supposed to allow people to watch the recorded TV programs on their TV at a more convenient time, or pause and resume the show as necessary. The recordings cannot be played back with anything other than the TV that made them.

You can read more here.

VLC can play .ts files recorded by TV recorder. You have to pass an option for that:

"Path/to/VLC" --demux ffmpeg

Answer from this VideoLan discussion thread