New posts in shell-scripting

Recursively delete empty folders with verbose output

How to calculate CPU and memory utilization on solaris box

Move all files to their own folder

problem executing a bash script with utf8 encoding

Bash - Math: Returns integer instead of float

linux + how to identify if file is pointed by link/s

Shell script: the child process do not terminate in linux

FreeBSD rc.d script doesn't start as a daemon

Can somebody help me on how to zip these individual log files within while loop

Detect fails in setup script

How to schedule a Cron job for the second to the last day of each month

Using if else statement inside shell module in ansible playbook

why /var/spool/abrt/ folders not deleted

Bash script to create variables from and run commands on each item in an external list

Access windows file system from linux shell script


Simple dig output?

How can I recursively delete old files and prune resulting empty directories?

Unix separate multiple commands which has '&' (execute in background) in the end

Can't access instance after setting up iptables rules