New posts in ansible-playbook

How to convert and save raw data to PDF format using ansible

Can I overwrite, what `diff` means for a task?

How can I set the content of a variable to the result of a HTTP call?

Ansible copy ssh key from one host to another

How can i check software version with Ansible?

Start systemd service after ansible playbook execution is complete

How can I run a ansible task only if a file or directory does NOT exist?

Using if else statement inside shell module in ansible playbook

ansible error: Failed to find required executable rsync in paths: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin:/sbin"}

sequential deployment in multiple servers using ansible playbook

Creating an instance service file using an ansible template

Nginx error: (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream

How to split an ansible local_action in multiple lines

Abort execution of remaining task if certain condition is failed

Run Command Inside of Docker Container Using Ansible

Ansible: read remote file

How to manage a modified copy of a file?

Ansible - delete all partitions on a given list of disks

parsing debug information from ansible k8s_info module

Ansible --become not working when “sudo with NOPASSWD” is not activated on remote machine - MODULE FAILURE