New posts in devops

How to prevent pushing directly to Master branch in AzureDevOps

Run only one build pipeline task on a schedule

Using docker-compose to set containers timezones

How can I change permission of mounted volumes in docker-compose.yml from the docker-compose.yml?

How to use variable substitution in Frontend js applications like backend applications?

Is it good practice to out MySQL or Apache in /opt/ folder?

Is it a good idea to make Ansible and Rundeck work together, or using either one is enough?

parsing debug information from ansible k8s_info module

Docker-compose, conditional statements? (e.g. add volume only if condition)

Azure devops : Approvals and checks on a repository level

Terraform: googleapi: Error 403: Permission denied on resource project

bash: terraform: command not found, export $PATH unresolved

How to get the nearest subdirectory of a file as output in PowerShell?

Hide Pipeline menu from Azure DevOps Dashboard

Adobe Reader DC automated install using PowerShell

How to check application responding in Kubernetes

What are common variables to mention in an inventory ansible yaml file?

How to win_ping to hosts with inventory and group_vars files?

Are names of groups of users better as singular or plural? [closed]

How to use variables from other modules in Terraform: Adding Host Project id to the Service Projects. (GCP)