New posts in branch

Creating git branch after many commits

Is there a NetBeans equivalent to Eclipse's Workspace

How to prevent pushing directly to Master branch in AzureDevOps

Git branch for instances of a website?

Show the original branch for a commit

Show the original branch for a commit

Efficiency of branching in shaders

Line endings messed up in Git - how to track changes from another branch after a huge line ending fix?

Correct Git workflow for shared feature branch?

SVN Mergeinfo properties on paths other than the working copy root

How do I configure Git to automatically pull from current branch when using "git pull"?

Git and working on multiple branches

Subversion - should anyone be developing off the trunk?

What is the base branch when a new one is created?

Managing release branches in Mercurial

Git: created new branch from a wrong branch

Delete a local development branch

warning: refname 'xxx' is ambiguous when using git-svn

Subversion branch reintegration in v1.6 [duplicate]

Why gcc 4.1 + gcov reports 100% branch coverage and newer (4.4, 4.6, 4.8) reports 50% for "p = new class;" line?