New posts in shader

Efficiency of branching in shaders

Why does my OpenGL Phong shader behave like a flat shader?

When transforming textures (drawn as flat 3D objects) to mimic depth, black lines appear randomly

Is discard bad for program performance in OpenGL?

What can cause glDrawArrays to generate a GL_INVALID_OPERATION error?

In OpenGL is there a way to get a list of all uniforms & attribs used by a shader program?

dx12) Shader Constants goes wrong

OpenGL ES 2.0 Multiple Programs or Multiple Shaders or what? How does it work?

WebGL/GLSL - How does a ShaderToy work?

Replicating MeshLambertMaterial Using ShaderMaterial ignores textures

How to render Android's YUV-NV21 camera image on the background in libgdx with OpenGLES 2.0 in real-time?

How to calculate Tangent and Binormal?

Creating a GLSL Arrays of Uniforms?

What are Vertex and Pixel shaders?

Explicit vs Automatic attribute location binding for OpenGL shaders

In a fragment shader, why can't I use a flat input integer to index a uniform array of sampler2D?

Getting the true z value from the depth buffer

How to recover view space position given view space depth value and ndc xy

What's the origin of this GLSL rand() one-liner?

Do conditional statements slow down shaders?