What's the origin of this GLSL rand() one-liner?

Solution 1:

Very interesting question!

I am trying to figure this out while typing the answer :) First an easy way to play with it: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot%28+mod%28+sin%28x*12.9898+%2B+y*78.233%29+*+43758.5453%2C1%29x%3D0..2%2C+y%3D0..2%29

Then let's think about what we are trying to do here: For two input coordinates x,y we return a "random number". Now this is not a random number though. It's the same every time we input the same x,y. It's a hash function!

The first thing the function does is to go from 2d to 1d. That is not interesting in itself, but the numbers are chosen so they do not repeat typically. Also we have a floating point addition there. There will be a few more bits from y or x, but the numbers might just be chosen right so it does a mix.

Then we sample a black box sin() function. This will depend a lot on the implementation!

Lastly it amplifies the error in the sin() implementation by multiplying and taking the fraction.

I don't think this is a good hash function in the general case. The sin() is a black box, on the GPU, numerically. It should be possible to construct a much better one by taking almost any hash function and converting it. The hard part is to turn the typical integer operation used in cpu hashing into float (half or 32bit) or fixed point operations, but it should be possible.

Again, the real problem with this as a hash function is that sin() is a black box.

Solution 2:

The origin is probably the paper: "On generating random numbers, with help of y= [(a+x)sin(bx)] mod 1", W.J.J. Rey, 22nd European Meeting of Statisticians and the 7th Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, August 1998

EDIT: Since I can't find a copy of this paper and the "TestU01" reference may not be clear, here's the scheme as described in TestU01 in pseudo-C:

#define A1 ???
#define A2 ???
#define B1 pi*(sqrt(5.0)-1)/2
#define B2 ???

uint32_t n;   // position in the stream

double next() {
  double t = fract(A1     * sin(B1*n));
  double u = fract((A2+t) * sin(B2*t));
  return u;

where the only recommended constant value is the B1.

Notice that this is for a stream. Converting to a 1D hash 'n' becomes the integer grid. So my guess is that someone saw this and converted 't' into a simple function f(x,y). Using the original constants above that would yield:

float hash(vec2 co){
  float t = 12.9898*co.x + 78.233*co.y; 
  return fract((A2+t) * sin(t));  // any B2 is folded into 't' computation

Solution 3:

the constant values are arbitrary, especially that they are very large, and a couple of decimals away from prime numbers.

a modulus over 1 of a hi amplitude sinus multiplied by 4000 is a periodic function. it's like a window blind or a corrugated metal made very small because it's multiplied by 4000, and turned at an angle by the dot product.

as the function is 2-D, the dot product has the effect of turning the periodic function at an oblique relative to X and Y axis. By 13/79 ratio approximately. It is inefficient, you can actually achieve the same by doing sinus of (13x + 79y) this will also achieve the same thing I think with less maths..

If you find the period of the function in both X and Y, you can sample it so that it will look like a simple sine wave again.

Here is a picture of it zoomed in graph

I don't know the origin but it is similar to many others, if you used it in graphics at regular intervals it would tend to produce moire patterns and you could see it's eventually goes around again.

Solution 4:

I do not believe this to be the true origin, but OP's code is presented as code example in "The Book of Shaders" by Patricio Gonzalez Vivo and Jen Lowe ( https://thebookofshaders.com/10/ ). In their code, Patricio Gonzales Vivo is cited as the author, i.e "// Author @patriciogv - 2015"

Since the OP's research dates back even further (to '08), the source might at least explain its popularity, and the author might be able to shed some light on his source.

Solution 5:

Maybe it's some non-recurrent chaotic mapping, then it could explain many things, but also can be just some arbitrary manipulation with large numbers.

EDIT: Basically, the function fract(sin(x) * 43758.5453) is a simple hash-like function, the sin(x) provides smooth sin interpolation between -1 to 1, so sin(x) * 43758.5453 will be interpolation from -43758.5453 to 43758.5453. This is a quite huge range, so even small step in x will provide large step in result and really large variation in fractional part. The "fract" is needed to get values in range -0.99... to 0.999... . Now, when we have something like hash function we should create function for production hash from the vector. The simplest way is call "hash" separetly for x any y component of the input vector. But then, we will have some symmetrical values. So, we should get some value from the vector, the approach is find some random vector and find "dot" product to that vector, here we go: fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453); Also, according to the selected vector, its lenght should be long engough to have several peroids of the "sin" function after "dot" product will be computed.