New posts in version-control

Creating git branch after many commits

Git and Trac (or similar)

Git: Exclude a file with git clean

Modifying subversion file permissions

What is "UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate" file in Xcode project?

.gitignoring pdf file only when a tex source is present

Feature Toggles vs Feature Branches

bitbucket on my own server

Is there an encrypted version control system?

msysgit on windows -- what should I be aware of, if any?

How to get Git diff of the first commit?

git pull all branches from remote repository

Making two branches identical

git svn workflow - feature branches and merge

How can i check software version with Ansible?

Git and working on multiple branches

Merge (no branch) into master

Git vs Mercurial vs SVN [duplicate]

Handling renames: svn vs. git vs. mercurial

Listing R Package Dependencies Without Installing Packages