New posts in git-diff

In Git, how do I diff to the first commit of my branch?

How to get Git diff of the first commit?

Examples of different results produced by the standard (Myers), minimal, patience and histogram diff algorithms

Github Comparison View for 2 branches is incorrect?

How to show space and tabs with git-diff

Can TortoiseMerge be used as a difftool with Windows Git Bash?

git: Why doesn't git diff show any differences?

Why does git diff not show any difference after git add command? [duplicate]

How can I diff a single file with magit?

How can I view git diff for any commit using vim-fugitive?

What are the differences between these git diff commands?

What does it mean when Git diff shows mode changes?

Should diff3 be default conflictstyle on git?

git diff sees whole file as changed when it's not [duplicate]

'git diff' between a remote and local repository

What is the reason for the /a /b prefixes of git diff

Is there a quick way to "git diff" from the point or branch origin?

Can Git really track the movement of a single function from 1 file to another? If so, how?

What's the difference between `git diff --patience` and `git diff --histogram`?

Can git do a diff of the working copy with stash