New posts in find

Python Reverse Find in String

How to delete insanely large folder in Linux

Glob Not Match?

Finding all .cpp files in the users home directory

Recursively delete empty folders with verbose output

How to find directory containing specific files or directories?

locate command finds a file's path, but the file does not exist in that path [duplicate]

Difference between xargs /bin/ls and exec ls?

I want to run a command every 10 minutes in crontab on a certain directory [duplicate]

Microsoft Word - How to Replace Double Paragraph Breaks with a Wildcard Search?

Using find in macOS terminal with regex

find with regex not working as expected

C# - using List<T>.Find() with custom objects

How to use find when there are spaces in the directory names?

How do I find what Java version Tomcat6 is using?

Confused about grep and the * wildcard

Find command shows the files are present but not found inside the directory

Searching for a filename without a certain string

Searching files by size range

Listing files that end in ".txt" from directories with the word "SALARIO" in its name without using pipes