Recursively delete empty folders with verbose output

This should be fairly simple, but I am not sure what i'm missing.

I'd like to recursively delete empty directories, and get an output for what's being deleted, this command works for sure, but I just can't print the actions of -excec verbosely.

while [ -n "$(find . -depth -type d -empty -exec rm -v -rf {} +)" ]; do :; done

by recursively I mean, I want to keep deleting empty folders, until there's no other empty folder.

$ tree .
├── empty
│   └── empty
│       └── empty
└── non-emty
    └── ko

this item will only remove one empty folder in the tree

$ find . -depth -type d -empty -exec rmdir -v {} +
rmdir: removing directory, `./empty/empty'

You don't need the while loop and you should use rmdir -p to remove the empty parents

find . -depth -type d -empty -exec rmdir -v -p {} + 
rmdir: removing directory, `./1/3'
rmdir: removing directory, `./1'
rmdir: removing directory, `.'
rmdir: failed to remove directory `.': Invalid argument
rmdir: removing directory, `./2/3'
rmdir: removing directory, `./2'
rmdir: failed to remove directory `./2': Directory not empty

The reason you don't see the output with your command is that you are running it in a subshell $(...) but doing nothing with the returned output you could put an echo before the subsell to print out what it returns

echo $(find . -depth -type d -empty -exec rmdir -v -p {} +)
rmdir: removing directory, `./1/3' rmdir: removing directory, `./1' rmdir: removing directory, `.' rmdir: removing directory, `./2/3' rmdir: removing directory, `./2'