Can't extract a large zip file

System says my zip file is okay, but I can't extract it through unzip. I think maybe because it's such a large file (34 GB) that unzip might not support it.

Is there a way to get this to work?

Solution 1:

I just extracted a 13GB file. I was unable to unzip it using the extract tool, right clicking on the file (I'm in KDE, so this is dolphin). I ran into a similar error, where it said that "The archive you're trying to open is corrupt. Some of the files may be missing or damaged.". Instead I used dtrx from the command line, and it worked on the first try.

To install dtrx I typed: sudo apt-get install dtrx

To run the extraction I typed dtrx with no flags.

Solution 2:

I think your file download is incomplete. From here it says:

For reference purposes, with the Zip64 extension to the Zip file format enhancement, Zip files of 16 exabytes, which is over 16 billion gigabytes (or 2 to the 64th power bytes) are possible. Likewise, over 4 billion files and folders can be included in a Zip file.

Please check the integrity of your zip file with: zip -T, an OK is expected if download was complete. And current Ubuntu 64bit has zip64 capability already compiled into your zip tool. Check that with zip -v

Solution 3:

Using the java archiver (as suggested here) did the trick for me. The syntax is as follows:

jar xvf