New posts in xpath

Only select text directly in node, not in child nodes

How do I get a NameTable from an XDocument?

SQL: How can I get the value of an attribute in XML datatype?

How can I select checkboxes using the Selenium Java WebDriver?

Parse multiple element XML values into a R dataframe

How to extract all the title text for Graphics Card Posting on NewEgg using Selenium Python

How to send text within an input field with contenteditable="true" within an iframe using Selenium and Python

CSS Selector / XPath needed for accessing a <span>

XPath contains one of multiple values

How to speed up Java Selenium Script,with minimum wait time

missing some text when iterating xml elements in python

How to extract data from the following html?

How to extract the dynamic values of the id attributes of the table elements using Selenium and Java

XPath that excludes some part of selected element?

Creating XPATH for svg tag

XPath query result order

C# - XPath to find Subnodes that are null, OR have a specific Attribute value

Difference between //, .//, and ..// in XPath?

Is it possible to use a Dynamic xPath expression in a xslt style sheet?

How to wait for either of the two elements in the page using selenium xpath