New posts in cordova

Mobile app with Bootstrap 3, jQuery and phonegap, is it possible?

How do I ensure Android phonegap/cordova apps use Chrome webviews?

"Not allowed to load local resource" for Local image from Remote page in PhoneGap Build

-bash: ionic: command not found (Not able to install any version)

Cordova app that doesn't use push notifications: "Missing push notification entitlement"

Share something to a phonegap app

Is gradle installed with Android Studio on Windows?

startForeground() causing problems with cordova

Create a Custom AdMob Plugin for Phonegap Build (for iOS and Android)

I'm getting "Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at value with value @integer/google_play_services_version)"

Can phonegap app work in background?

How to see all plugins installed in Phonegap/Cordova project?

onDeviceReady not firing in PhoneGap hello world app

Uncaught (in promise): cordova_not_available in Ionic 2

How do Adobe PhoneGap and Apache Cordova differ?

Phonegap HTML app and various alerts hang browser

State of WKWebView on Cordova iOS 9?

How to handle Push notification when application is resumed?

@ionic/angular 4.0.0-beta.13 : Not allowed to load local resource : with webview 2.2.3 - Ionic CLI 4.3.1

-bash: cordova: command not found; or -bash: phonegap: command not found