New posts in assembly

Run 16 bit program on 64 machine bit without dosbox

What is callq instruction?

"xor eax, ebp" being used in C++ compiler output

How are the fs/gs registers used in Linux AMD64?

How can I determine this string value based on the C disassembly?

Is there a way to cast integers to bytes, knowing these ints are in range of bytes. Using SSE?

How do I do inline assembly on the IPhone?

whats the use of "org xxxx" in assembly for a legacy PC BIOS MBR bootloader?

more info on Memory layout of an executable program (process)

How does C++ exception handling translate to machine code

Writing my own BIOS

Meaning of BND RET in x86

BIOS Int 13h 08 DBT issue Bytes per sector code returns 0xF0 instead of 0x00 - 0x04

How do I interpret this disassembled code in IDA?

Why is it necessary to add a bias to the dividend for signed division by a power of 2?

How to see all the bits of a file?

Arithmetic identities and EFLAGS

I compiled a assembly code on kali linux but i cant run it [closed]

Printing floats with printf in x86 nasm 32-bit

Why does using "int 21h" on Assembly x86 MASM cause my program to crash?