New posts in sse

How to constexpr initialize intrinsic SSE/AVX register?

Is there a way to cast integers to bytes, knowing these ints are in range of bytes. Using SSE?

Compare 16 byte strings with SSE

AVX scalar operations are much faster

Why does adding an xorps instruction make this function using cvtsi2ss and addss ~5x faster?

How much faster are SSE4.2 string instructions than SSE2 for memcmp?

Which versions of Windows support/require which CPU multimedia extensions? (How to check if SSE or AVX are fully usable?)

Get sum of values stored in __m256d with SSE/AVX

SSE register return with SSE disabled

Load address calculation when using AVX2 gather instructions

Getting started with Intel x86 SSE SIMD instructions

sse2 instruction set not enabled

SSE intrinsic functions reference

How are denormalized floats handled in C#?

In GNU C inline asm, what are the size-override modifiers for xmm/ymm/zmm for a single operand?

Getting max value in a __m128i vector with SSE?

AVX/SSE version of xorshift128+

SSE SSE2 and SSE3 for GNU C++

Find largest element in matrix and its column and row indexes using SSE and AVX

cpu dispatcher for visual studio for AVX and SSE