New posts in x86

What is callq instruction?

Cannot write to screen memory in C

How are the fs/gs registers used in Linux AMD64?

Why does Linux favor 0x7f mappings?

Porting 32 bit C++ code to 64 bit - is it worth it? Why?

How is the x86 data segment used in real operating systems and processes?

calculate logical address from physical address (x86)

Writing my own BIOS

Meaning of BND RET in x86

Effective optimization strategies on modern C++ compilers

Arithmetic identities and EFLAGS

Printing floats with printf in x86 nasm 32-bit

Compare 16 byte strings with SSE

Why does using "int 21h" on Assembly x86 MASM cause my program to crash?

Why does printf overwrite the ECX register? [duplicate]

Can Intel microcode updates be rolled back?

How do GNU assembler x86 instruction suffixes like ".s" in "mov.s" work?

User input and output doesn't work in my assembly code

Why do the addresses in my assembler dump differ from the addresses of registers?

Google Android OS on x86?