New posts in dos

How can I play Police Quest I on Windows 7?

Why does using "int 21h" on Assembly x86 MASM cause my program to crash?

Is there a clean way to prevent windows.h from creating a near & far macro?

How do I open this secret door in the first level?

How does Gyro Gearloose's security system work?

How do I increment a DOS variable in a FOR /F loop?

Why is my assembly output in letter position? (1+1=b)

Sound works but no music?

Print integer to console in x86 assembly

How to play the demo stage in the original Prince of Persia (1989) for DOS?

copy all files and folders from one drive to another drive using DOS (command prompt)

Is this code correct (Number plus number, then print the result)

How to get a list of sub-folders and their files, ordered by folder-names

The jump at lvl 2 of Prince of Persia classic

Dead pool fatality doesn't work in Mortal Kombat 2

What ever happened to deltree, and what's its replacement?

Where to sell items when starting out in Pool of Radiance?

How do I switch modes on DOSBox?

Drawing a character in VGA memory with GNU C inline assembly

How can I debug a .BAT script?