New posts in cheats

Proper entry of Konami Code?

Can hacked 3DS game files be used for Streetpass or online multiplayer?

Archery skill problem

Kill cam shows player not being affected by concussion grenade; is this a perk or a hack?

What cheat codes exist for Goldeneye Wii? [duplicate]

Any cheats that get me past the pumps?

Is there a cheat to unlock all gadgets from the start?

Cheat for Pokemon Emerald causes the game to freeze on the Android GBA Emulator?

modding dwarf fortress adventure dwarves

In Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire, is it possible to change the time?

Is there a tool that checks for cheats and hacks in a given replay?

Quake 3 Cheats - Enable Give All Persistently

How could this MW2 round on PlayStation have been hacked?

How do the passwords work?

Does using the Console in Don't Starve leave a mark?

What do the +X numbers at the end of trainer names mean?

Is there any console command that grants invincibility on a target?

Easy way to get the 'They're Not Dolls...' and '...They're Action Figures' achievements

How can I cheat an item into my inventory?

Can't change Batman skin with code [duplicate]