New posts in starcraft-2

Do both players need to own Legacy of the Void to play co-op missions?

Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void - unlock heroes for co-op

If I start a new StarCraft 2 campaign can I still watch the movies from my completed campaign?

Why didn't I earn credits on replay of Starcraft 2 mission?

Starcraft II Public Test?

How to change installation region

StarCraft II profile URL path

Xel'Naga Caverns versus a fast expanding zerg -- what are Terran tactics against this?

In order for tech to complete does the production building need to stay attached?

Is there a way to turn off auto save?

My Collector's Edition ultralisk skin doesn't show up, what do I do?

In StarCraft 2 what function does a referee serve?

When to stop worker production

As a zerg against a bioball, should you focus fire on the medivacs, or on the offensive units?

Leaving a league

How do you access the "Piercing the Shroud" mission if you've already completed the campaign?

What should I do to get the Outmatched: 2 Insane AI achievement?

What happens if you skip the practice games?

StarCraft2: how can Terran wall-in if choke exit is on the right bottom side?

StarCraft2: ladder reset - does it reset amount of games played?