New posts in pokemon-third-generation

Are Generation 3 Pokemon titles still Needed to complete the Generation 6 National Dex?

Will shiny Pokemon appear when playing Pokemon on an emulator?

Cheat for Pokemon Emerald causes the game to freeze on the Android GBA Emulator?

Elite Four members don't give correct reward money with Amulet Coin?

My Pokémon game keeps auto-resetting

Can I get repeated Contest Ribbons?

How do I evolve Kadabra to its final form without trading it?

Can "damage over time" effects stack in pokemon?

What is the strategic value of the move Memento?

How can I make a Pokémon easily level-up?

Why would I breed Pokémon I already have?

Can you trade Pokemon from Pokemon Emerald and Leaf Green with DS Lite?

In the third and fourth generations, which pokemon require events?

How long do Black Flute repel and White Flute attract effects last?

What in-game hints are given for the evolution of Feebas?

Celadon City Game Corner Slot Machine Odds

I ran out of attack PP in a battle with Magikarp, what can I do?

Why do generation 3 Pokemon games run after the battery has died?

Is it possible to catch all the Leaf Green Pokemon using a Gameboy emulator?

Can I trade pokemon between different versions(e.g. Pokemon Ruby and Emerald)?