What cheat codes exist for Goldeneye Wii? [duplicate]

I just recently found out about the cheat codes for this game, and the sites I've viewed have three listed:


Does Goldeneye Wii have any other cheat codes?

Solution 1:

I think there has only these!

NotIt!!!11 --> Unlock Tag Mode(Local Multiplayer)/Toggle on in Modifiers menu/3 or more players required;
Inv1s1bleEv3ryth1ng --> Unlock Invisibility Mode(Local Multiplayer)/Toggle on in Modifiers menu/Hold SPRINT to toggle Invisibility;
<477MYFR13NDS4R3SP13S> --> Unlock Big Head Mode(Donkey Kong Mode) in Local Multiplayer. To switch it off, reset defaults.

There's also this mysterious code on the St. Petersburg level. In the archives there is a computer screen behind some bookcases with the code below, but it seems to have no effect when entered as a cheat -- so what does it mean? No one know!

N6nNOTeKa>> B 3N