Is there a cheat to unlock all gadgets from the start?

When I use this, I only get the first level of gadgets. How do I unlock the rest?


.Bindings=(Name="f1", Command="start batentry?Movie=Ep1_0010_Ep1_0130_Ep1_0210?StreamMovie?Area=Prison,Prison_C1?Chapters=1,Y1?Flags=Chapter1_Start?Abilities=Batman_SmokePellets,Batman_RemoteClaw,Batman_WeaponDisruptor,Batman_ShockGloves,Batman_GlueGrenade,Batman_SonicBatarang,Batman_SonicBatarangShock,Batman_BladeCounter,Batman_RemoteClawVantagePointThug,Batman_ConcussionDetonator,Batman_ConcussionDetonatorDuration,Batman_MeleeArmor1,Batman_BallisticArmor1,Batman_MultiTargetBatarangDouble,Batman_MultiTargetBatarangTripple?CreateSave")

I dont know about cheats but there is a way to gain a lot of XP and use it to purchase all the upgrades. To get 120,000 XP in 15 minutes and be able to buy all upgrades at the beginning of the game, go to Burnley. Go to the indicated location on the rooftop, and let the enemy kill you so you are saved at this location.

When you spawn after dying, use the grappling hook to go back to the rooftop, and silent takedown the first three enemies. Then, silent takedown the fourth enemy with a Knockout Smash to get a total of 8,000 XP. After getting the XP and the "Saving..." icon disappears at the bottom of the screen, pause the game and select "Restart" to start from the last checkpoint.

Repeat this process as many times as desired. There is a video representation of this method below:

0:00 / 3:32 Batman Arkham Origins - Unlimited XP/All Upgrades 120,000xp 15 Minutes