What do C and Assembler actually compile to? [closed]

Solution 1:

C typically compiles to assembler, just because that makes life easy for the poor compiler writer.

Assembly code always assembles (not "compiles") to relocatable object code. You can think of this as binary machine code and binary data, but with lots of decoration and metadata. The key parts are:

  • Code and data appear in named "sections".

  • Relocatable object files may include definitions of labels, which refer to locations within the sections.

  • Relocatable object files may include "holes" that are to be filled with the values of labels defined elsewhere. The official name for such a hole is a relocation entry.

For example, if you compile and assemble (but don't link) this program

int main () { printf("Hello, world\n"); }

you are likely to wind up with a relocatable object file with

  • A text section containing the machine code for main

  • A label definition for main which points to the beginning of the text section

  • A rodata (read-only data) section containing the bytes of the string literal "Hello, world\n"

  • A relocation entry that depends on printf and that points to a "hole" in a call instruction in the middle of a text section.

If you are on a Unix system a relocatable object file is generally called a .o file, as in hello.o, and you can explore the label definitions and uses with a simple tool called nm, and you can get more detailed information from a somewhat more complicated tool called objdump.

I teach a class that covers these topics, and I have students write an assembler and linker, which takes a couple of weeks, but when they've done that most of them have a pretty good handle on relocatable object code. It's not such an easy thing.

Solution 2:

Let's take a C program.

When you run gcc, clang, or 'cl' on the c program, it will go through these stages:

  1. Preprocessor (#include, #ifdef, trigraph analysis, encoding translations, comment management, macros...) including lexing into preprocessor tokens and eventually resulting in flat text for input to the compiler proper.
  2. Lexical analysis (producing tokens and lexical errors).
  3. Syntactical analysis (producing a parse tree and syntactical errors).
  4. Semantic analysis (producing a symbol table, scoping information and scoping/typing errors) Also data-flow, transforming the program logic into an "intermediate representation" that the optimizer can work with. (Often an SSA). clang/LLVM uses LLVM-IR, gcc uses GIMPLE then RTL.
  5. Optimization of the program logic, including constant propagation, inlining, hoisting invariants out of loops, auto-vectorization, and many many other things. (Most of the code for a widely-used modern compiler is optimization passes.) Transforming through intermediate representations is just part of how some compilers work, making it impossible / meaningless to "disable all optimizations"
  6. Outputing into assembly source (or another intermediate format like .NET IL bytecode)
  7. Assembling of the assembly into some binary object format.
  8. Linking of the assembly into whatever static libraries are needed, as well as relocating it if needed.
  9. Output of final executable in elf, PE/coff, MachO64, or whatever other format

In practice, some of these steps may be done at the same time, but this is the logical order. Most compilers have options to stop after any given step (e.g. preprocess or asm), including dumping internal representation between optimization passes for open-source compilers like GCC. (-ftree-dump-...)

Note that there's a 'container' of elf or coff format around the actual executable binary, unless it's a DOS .com executable

You will find that a book on compilers(I recommend the Dragon book, the standard introductory book in the field) will have all the information you need and more.

As Marco commented, linking and loading is a large area and the Dragon book more or less stops at the output of the executable binary. To actually go from there to running on an operating system is a decently complex process, which Levine in Linkers and Loaders covers.

I've wiki'd this answer to let people tweak any errors/add information.

Solution 3:

There are different phases in translating C++ into a binary executable. The language specification does not explicitly state the translation phases. However, I will describe the common translation phases.

Source C++ To Assembly or Itermediate Language

Some compilers actually translate the C++ code into an assembly language or an intermediate language. This is not a required phase, but helpful in debugging and optimizations.

Assembly To Object Code

The next common step is to translate Assembly language into an Object code. The object code contains assembly code with relative addresses and open references to external subroutines (methods or functions). In general, the translator puts in as much information into an object file as it can, everything else is unresolved.

Linking Object Code(s)

The linking phase combines one or more object codes, resolves references and eliminates duplicate subroutines. The final output is an executable file. This file contains information for the operating system and relative addresses.

Executing Binary Files

The Operating System loads the executable file, usually from a hard drive, and places it into memory. The OS may convert relative addresses into physical locations. The OS may also prepare resources (such as DLLs and GUI widgets) that are required by the executable (which may be stated in the Executable file).

Compiling Directly To Binary Some compilers, such as the ones used in Embedded Systems, have the capability to compile from C++ directly to an executable binary code. This code will have physical addresses instead of relative address and not require an OS to load.


One of the advantages of these phases is that C++ programs can be broken into pieces, compiled individually and linked at a later time. They can even be linked with pieces from other developers (a.k.a. libraries). This allows developers to only compiler pieces in development and link in pieces that are already validated. In general, the translation from C++ to object is the time consuming part of the process. Also, a person doesn't want to wait for all the phases to complete when there is an error in the source code.

Keep an open mind and always expect the Third Alternative (Option).

Solution 4:

To answer your questions, please note that this is subjective as there are different processors, different platforms, different assemblers and C compilers, in this case, I will talk about the Intel x86 platform.

  1. Assemblers do not usually assemble to pure / flat binary (raw machine code), instead usually to a file defined with segments such as data, text and bss to name but a few; this is called an object file. The Linker steps in and adjusts the segments to make it executable, that is, ready to run. Incidentally, the default output when you assemble using GNU as foo.s is a.out, that is a shorthand for Assembler Output. (But the same filename is the gcc default for linker output, with the assembler output being only a temporary.)
  2. Boot loaders have a special directive defined, back in the days of DOS, it would be common to find a directive such as .Org 100h, which defines the assembler code to be of the old .COM variety before .EXE took over in popularity. Also, you did not need to have a assembler to produce a .COM file, using the old debug.exe that came with MSDOS, did the trick for small simple programs, the .COM files did not need a linker and were straight ready-to-run binary format. Here's a simple session using DEBUG.
1:*a 0100
2:* mov AH,07
3:* int 21
4:* cmp AL,00
5:* jnz 010c
6:* mov AH,07
7:* int 21
8:* mov AH,4C
9:* int 21
11:*r CX
13:*n respond.com

This produces a ready-to-run .COM program called 'respond.com' that waits for a keystroke and not echo it to the screen. Notice, the beginning, the usage of 'a 100h' which shows that the Instruction pointer starts at 100h which is the feature of a .COM. This old script was mainly used in batch files waiting for a response and not echo it. The original script can be found here.

Again, in the case of boot loaders, they are converted to a binary format, there was a program that used to come with DOS, called EXE2BIN. That was the job of converting the raw object code into a format that can be copied on to a bootable disk for booting. Remember no linker is run against the assembled code, as the linker is for the runtime environment and sets up the code to make it runnable and executable.

The BIOS when booting, expects code to be at segment:offset, 0x7c00, if my memory serves me correct, the code (after being EXE2BIN'd), will start executing, then the bootloader relocates itself lower down in memory and continue loading by issuing int 0x13 to read from the disk, switch on the A20 gate, enable the DMA, switch onto protected mode as the BIOS is in 16bit mode, then the data read from the disk is loaded into memory, then the bootloader issues a far jump into the data code (likely to be written in C). That is in essence how the system boots.

Ok, the previous paragraph sounds abstracted and simple, I may have missed out something, but that is how it is in a nutshell.